San Jose Criminal Attorney | Nan L. Bucknell
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(408) 286-9210

Record Clearing and Expungements

Your criminal record can follow you for your entire life. It can affect your ability to find a job, obtain a professional license, go to school, sign a lease or even live in this country. At the Law Offices of Nan L. Bucknell, I have helped my clients with record clearances and expungements with a very high rate of success for more than 25 years.

Even if your criminal case doesn't result in a conviction, an arrest will remain. Recent laws now allow for the expungement of arrest records, even when they did not result in a prosecution. 

To file a petition for expungement, we often have to return to the same court in which the criminal prosecution originally took place. If you want to expunge records of multiple cases, you must file more than one petition. The judge must review your file and determine whether or not you meet the requirements. Individual courts may also have their own procedural rules regarding expungement cases, and at Nan L. Bucknell, Attorney at Law we can navigate you through the entire process. 

Criteria for expungement eligibility includes:

  • Sufficient time posting since the conclusion of the criminal case
  • No additional criminal history since the arrest or conviction
  • Minimal prior criminal history 
  • Completion of all terms of probation

For more information about how Nan L. Bucknell, Attorney at Law can help you to expunge your record and allow you to continue your life, contact us today. 

Record Clearances & Expungements | San Jose Attorney